privacy Archives | AdExchanger News and Views on Data-Driven Digital Advertising and Marketing Thu, 04 Jan 2024 15:08:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 privacy Archives | AdExchanger 32 32 Inuvo’s AI-Driven Twist On Segmentation Zeroes In On The ‘Why,’ Not The ‘Who’ Tue, 09 Jan 2024 05:45:26 +0000 Startups are coming out of the woodwork to capitalize on the AI craze among marketers. But not every AI player is new to the scene. Inuvo, a software company that uses a web crawler combined with machine learning to analyze online interactions and predict consumer intent, has been around the block – and it’s got […]

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Do Programmers Care How Viewers Feel?; Apple Vs. Conversion KPIs Thu, 22 Jun 2023 04:03:14 +0000 Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Looking For ADvice No one likes cruddy TV ads. But how much of a problem are they, really? Enough for Comcast-owned FreeWheel to unveil The Viewer Experience Lab at Cannes in partnership with research company MediaScience. The lab will test consumer responses to […]

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Firing Up The Privacy BS Detector Mon, 12 Jun 2023 05:00:39 +0000 It’s easy to turn cynical when your job involves writing about ad tech and privacy. Ad tech vendors and a growing crop of privacy tech companies pitch me constantly to offer their POVs and to brief me on the privacy-preserving features of whatever new product they’re hyping at the moment. One vendor will hock its […]

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How A Minor Apple WebKit Tweak Can Send Ripples (Or Trigger Tsunamis) Across Marketing Tech Mon, 10 Apr 2023 17:49:58 +0000 Whenever the butterflies at Apple WebKit flap their wings, “Ad Tech Island” feels the aftershocks. Last week, a small change to Apple’s on-device tech to patrol third-party data collectors sent some mobile and online advertising practitioners into a tizzy over the loss of another sliver of data transparency. They also fret because Apple continues to […]

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My Data Privacy Resolution: Refer To Consumers As People (Crazy, I Know) Tue, 21 Feb 2023 05:35:37 +0000 Is data privacy your jam? Do you think the term “cookieless” is meaningless? Do you now associate “Sephora” with the California Consumer Privacy Act more than with cosmetics? If the answer to any of those questions is “yes,” then you’re in the right place. Greetings, fellow privacy wonks. I’m Allison Schiff, AdExchanger’s managing editor. Welcome […]

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Tinuiti Snaps Up Ampush To Enhance Its Social Chops Tue, 24 Jan 2023 17:00:00 +0000 Independent performance agency Tinuiti is making a bigger push into social with the acquisition of growth marketing shop Ampush on Tuesday. Tinuiti declined to disclose the financial terms of the deal. The Ampush acquisition marks Tinuiti’s third in the past two years. In March 2021, Tinuiti scooped up retail media agency The Ortega Group, and […]

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This Verification Startup Is Ranking Publishers Based On Their Approach To Privacy Wed, 11 Jan 2023 15:30:51 +0000 When it comes to privacy compliance, who you work with matters. Advertisers that fail to do privacy-focused due diligence on their media and data partners could easily find themselves at the center of a PR crisis (no bueno) or looking down the barrel of a lawsuit (realmente no bueno). And as privacy laws come into […]

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The Big Story: Ad Tech’s Top Talking Points Thu, 20 Oct 2022 13:01:43 +0000 What happens when 1,300 people in the ad ecosystem get together? They talk about transparency, signal loss and privacy. During AdExchanger’s Programmatic IO event in New York City on Monday and Tuesday, it became apparent that these three issues are driving the conversation in ad tech today. For The Big Story this week, we brought […]

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Criteo Expects Sanction For Undisclosed GDPR Violation Fri, 05 Aug 2022 18:08:05 +0000 France’s data protection regulator, the CNIL, just hit Criteo with some not-so-très-bien news. The CNIL is planning to recommend a fine of $65 million against Criteo for alleged GDPR violations, the company announced in an SEC filing on Friday. The filing is very thin on detail. For example, it’s not even clear what practice or […]

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AdExplainer: Meet SKAdNetwork 4.0, Apple’s Updated Attribution API That’s No Longer ‘Actively Painful’ To Use Mon, 13 Jun 2022 05:00:50 +0000 Fourth time’s the charm? Although Apple held off on dropping any ad tech industry-shaking privacy news at its 2022 Worldwide Developers Conference in early June, it did publish documentation about the next version of SKAdNetwork – we’re up to 4.0 now – which includes a handful of new features that developers and mobile measurement providers have […]

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