
Data Privacy

  • Apple Means It About Privacy; Data Licensing Scandal Hits Colleges

    Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Privacy As Product Who reads privacy policies? Maybe lawyers, definitely not users. Apple wants to change that, Engadget reports. On Wednesday, Apple revamped the privacy page on its website to make it easier to understand. The policies themselves haven’t changed, though, just the way […]

  • Democrats Propose Federal Privacy Legislation That’s Tougher Than CCPA

    Two California House Democrats are taking a stab at federal privacy legislation with a bill that, if passed, would be more exacting than the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). The Online Privacy Act of 2019 (HR 4978) was introduced on Tuesday by Democratic Reps. Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren of California, who both represent parts […]

  • How Facebook Got Here, From The Data Scandals To The Current Impasse On Political Ads

    Over the last year and a half, Facebook has been embroiled in so many controversial issues, it’s hard to keep track: privacy problems, the spread of misinformation, election interference, improperly secured data, antitrust concerns and, most recently, Facebook’s policy on paid political advertising, which is rubbing nearly everyone, including some of Facebook’s own employees, the […]

  • How I Would Break Up Facebook

    “Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Kunal Gupta, CEO at Polar. Several political, business and tech leaders have called for the break up of Facebook, usually suggesting that Facebook split its core social networking app from […]

  • Podcast: In-App Around The World

    Subscribe to AdExchanger Talks on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, SoundCloud or wherever you listen to podcasts. This week on AdExchanger Talks, Smaato CEO Arndt Groth discusses the changing rules of in-app advertising. The company – with offices in New York, Hamburg, Berlin, Singapore and Shanghai – has Chinese backers and a monetization deal with […]

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    Will AT&T's HBO Max Be Blocked By Rivals?; Google Sues Over Antitrust Probe

    Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Distribution Dilemma AT&T is leaning into its 34 million HBO subscribers to drive sign-ups for its forthcoming HBO Max streaming service. But it may face roadblocks in working with competitive cable providers on distribution, Digiday reports. AT&T has yet to sign on any distribution […]

  • Privacy Regs Like GDPR Hurt Competition In The Short Term, Study Finds

    Privacy regulations have the potential to consolidate market share among large technology platforms. Aka, when publishers reduce the number of ad tech, audience measurement and other web technology vendors they work with, Google and Facebook win, according to new academic research examining the unintended consequences of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The skittishness with […]

  • Foursquare And Placed Are Full Steam Ahead On Their Integration

    For Placed, life at Foursquare is a lot different than life was at Snap. Case in point: Foursquare and Placed completed the integration of their first-party audience data sets into a single attribution product within 90 days of the acquisition, which closed this summer. Snap sold Placed to Foursquare in May after acquiring the company […]

  • LinkedIn's Revenue Surges; Comcast's Peacock Hopes To

    Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Good Job LinkedIn is growing like gangbusters. The Microsoft-owned job platform saw “record levels of engagement” this quarter, CEO Satya Nadella told investors during the company’s earnings call this week. Read the transcript. Microsoft reported a 25% YoY revenue increase for LinkedIn, but didn’t […]

  • Limits On Targeting Hurt Revenue – Just Look At Twitter’s Unfortunate Q3 Earnings

    Twitter’s stock fell like a lead balloon Thursday morning – down as much as 20% in pre-market trading – after reporting an anemic third quarter. According to Twitter, revenue took a hit in Q3 thanks to a bit of seasonality in July and August and a few ad product-related “bugs” that it’s working to fix. […]

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Must Read

Amazon Juices Profits, With A Big Assist From The Ads Biz

Wall Street wanted profits. Big Tech delivered. That was the case for Google, Meta, Microsoft, Apple and – more than any other US tech giant – Amazon.

Comic: Welcome Aboard

Google’s Ad Revenue Rockets Upward Again, But The Open Web Is Getting Less

Google has always been the internet waystation. People arrive to be shuttled someplace else. Increasingly, though, Google is the destination.

How Bayer Is Using Creative Analytics To Cure Its Data Divide

Bayer partnered with its data agency, fifty-five, to develop a custom in-house creative analytics dashboard built on Google Cloud to more effectively measure and evaluate creative performance.

Privacy! Commerce! Connected TV! Read all about it. Subscribe to AdExchanger Newsletters

First-Party Data On Ice? How Conagra’s Birds Eye Brand Navigates The New Video Ecosystem

Conagra-owned brand Birds Eye brings a new approach to online video, social shopping and first-party data.

As The Open Web Wobbles, Index Exchange Is Betting On Curated Deals

Index Marketplaces activates the curation capabilities of DSPs, DMPs and RMNs – and the demand for their PMP deals – across Index Exchange’s network of publishers.

an almost handshake

LUMA: 2024 Will Be Better For M&A (No, Seriously This Time)

Overall deal activity in the ad tech market was down 10% year over year in 2023, according to LUMA Partners. But 2024 may be looking up.